
"When men worship Jesus Christ, they do not fall at his feet in broken submission, but in wondering love. A man does not say, 'I cannot resist a might like that.' He says, 'Love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul, my all.' A man does not say, 'I am battered into surrender.' He says, 'I am lost in wonder, love, and praise.'" - William Barclay

Our philosophy of worship

Worship is our response to who God is and all that He has done. Therefore, weekly worship gatherings are a special time of celebration where our focus is on honoring and glorifying God. Despite what some may think, worship is not defined by a style, whether traditional or contemporary. True worship is centered on the sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ on our behalf. This kind of worship transcends time, culture, and personal preferences.

At First Reformed Church, we desire to worship in a way that connects us with the best of our historic past, as well as with the fresh ways in which the Spirit continues to move today, constantly retelling the Gospel story in ways that we hope are meaningful and relevant. We aim for the weekly messages to be firmly rooted in Scripture, clearly presented, and challenging, while offering practical wisdom and encouragement for daily living.

Online Worship Information

* Online worship is offered with a live chat feature Sundays at 9:30am EDT (chatroom opens at 9am). You can also watch the online service anytime on demand without the chat feature.
* You can find previous messages by clicking the "sermons" link below, on our First Reformed Church mobile app which can be downloaded at the link below, or on our Apple TV and Roku TV channels.

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